Friday, September 6, 2019

Factors That Contributes to Happiness in Your Future Career Essay Example for Free

Factors That Contributes to Happiness in Your Future Career Essay Some people think that happiness is everything. It’s the meaning of life. No matter what you’re into, what you do. If you’re happy, you’re living. Thus happiness is like the purpose of life that makes its sense. Obviously, every person desires to be cloaked in happiness in all spheres of life. And, doubtless, one of the most important sphere we want to feel comfortable in and pleasure from is work. However, happiness isn’t a self-creating feeling. Thus there’re objective factors that calling forth happiness in our career. So let’s talk about them. The first condition contributing happiness in our future career as social scientists is our profession and it’s goals in general. We mean, that as politologists we’re going to research multifaceted, versatile, changeable art of power principles and political government that draw the picture of our nowadays and dictates a style of life. Evidently, it’s not routine, boring work at which we will cover with cobweb. It’s an interesting, exciting and dragging occupation due to which we’ll always keep up with the times. It’s rapid tempo encourages professional development and prospects, broadens our horizons and stimulates contemplation and achieving new goals. Thus our future profession contributes to happiness in its essence. Another reason to feel happy in our future career is the attitude toward our profession in society. Evidently, it’s rather prestige and respectable. Moreover, it assists a person in achieving a high social status. Due to that we’ll understand the importance and necessity of our work and feel pride and pleasure from it. And when people hear frequently and appropriately they’re appreciated, it heightens their desire to work and delight from it. So being respected, highly valued in society can condition the felling of happiness in our future career.

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